Hi i'm a friend of kasey in RL
anyways she sends her love to everyone. Her brother might be coming to visit her if he can get enough money so she is really looking forward to that. Basically with her everyday at the hospital. She is unconcious most of the time due to lack of oxygen - but keeping her chin up. She wants everyone to know that she loves all of you tons and tons and hope that everything is going wonderful with you all.
If you would like to chat to her in hospital she is using a cellphone program called MXit. Its really easy to download and doesn't cost anything to use. so its like free sms's. All of us use it here in this country. Anyways if have any questions that you want to pass along to her i'm occassionally on her MSN, or you can add me on my msn:
izanami.girl@live.co.za anyways please don't worry about her - she keeps saying she is a Tank so nothing will go wrong.
I'm currently playing her account and learning the game from Tekki. So ye good to meet all of you and hope that you all enjoyed your New Years and Christmas's. On a funny note - Kasey got a little drunk on new years *haha* only gave her one drink and she was gone. Oh she also says that you guys must eat Candy before every meal or something. She is on lot of pain killers so might just be the drugs talking - its really funny to talk to her.